"The User's Programs (Tron?) in Cyberspace" by Alwin Bruno The story genre is "Mindlog Experiment as Executably Encoded Genre".[ispse fecit.] The story description is "Hello, I am your parser-interactive chatbot, command >showme things that you see (from the >tree), command some >test, and then win yourself a special prize!". The description of the Entire Game is the story description. The story headline is "all malfunction is man-made, from misdirection by omission to inconsiderate consequences;". The story creation year is 2022.[code.google.com/archive/p/mindlog began 2007] Section - Artefacts To Turn Into Dynamized Virtual Agents The cyberspace is kind of room. A Cyberspace can be either omnipresent or darknet. A darknet is kind of backdrop in cyberspace. The doors in cyberspace are usually not openable. Before taking a door, try listening instead. A cyberspace can be Telegram supporting department, or Chrome/Google supporting department, or Linux supported community, or other Platform Vendors' supporting department, or the Rest of World/user Crowd. A cyberspace is usually omnipresent and Rest of World/user Crowd. A program is kind of supporter. The supporters are usually not portable. The programs can be bot app, or web app, or desktop app, or hypermedia, or http client, or http service. Before taking a bot, try listening instead. [Understand the hypermedia property as describing a program. BuG] A virtual agent is kind of program in cyberspace. To launch a program is an action out of world. [Understand "/start" as to launch a bot program. not enough, here] To service a client is an action out of world. The Telegram elysian field is a darknet Telegram supporting department cyberspace. A Swarm Link bot is a bot app and lit. It is a virtual agent in the Telegram elysian field. [Understand the bot property as describing a virtual agent. BuG] An Inform7 button is west of the Telegram elysian field and east of the Chrome/Google elysian field. The button is door in cyberspace. It is closed and openable. The description of it is "Telegram menu button". The Chrome/Google elysian field is a darknet Chrome/Google supporting department cyberspace. The Hendrik Goeppel server farm is a Linux supported community cyberspace. A Swarm Link artefact is hypermedia and portable. It is a virtual agent in the Hendrik Goeppel server farm. A Hyperlinkage relates one virtual agent to another (called the target). The verb to hyperconnect to means a hyperlinkage relation. [toward a universal linked information system, in Tim Berners-Lee's proposal, March 1989, May 1990] The button belongs hyperconnect to the artefact. A http request is south of the Chrome/Google elysian field and north of the Hendrik Goeppel server farm. The http request is a door in cyberspace. It is closed and not openable.[only if locked] A http response is south of the Hendrik Goeppel server farm and north of the Chrome/Google elysian field. The http response is a door in cyberspace. It is closed and not openable.[only if locked] Section - Minimalist Guarded (yet intrinsic Standard) Actions Before going through the Inform7 button: say "=>your [if the player carries something][bold type]last[roman type] step on return from a [otherwise][bold type]first[roman type] step for transit on a [end if][hypertransport connection of the Entire Game]<="; if the player carries nothing, now the Swarm Link artefact is unlit; continue the action. After going through the Inform7 button: now the http request is openable; continue the action. Before going through the http request: now the Swarm Link artefact is lit; continue the action. After going through the http request: now the Inform7 button is closed; now the Inform7 button is not openable; continue the action. After taking the Swarm Link artefact: now the http request is closed; now the http request is not openable; now the http response is openable; continue the action. After going through the http response: now the http response is closed; now the http response is not openable; now the Inform7 button is openable;[where's the button now? visibly together with request & response; next stop at the bot.] continue the action. Before dropping the Swarm Link artefact: if the location is not the location of the Swarm Link bot, say "[the story headline]" instead;[deny by doing nothing else] continue the action. After dropping the Swarm Link artefact: place a link to the web site "/source/The%20User's%20Programs%20(Tron-)%20in%20Cyberspace.ni" called "font-bold" reading "you are winning! claim your prize! with this win notification!"; end the story finally saying "now the artefact is dynamic front and center, you win". The print final score rule does nothing. [The immediately undo rule is not listed in any rulebook.] Section - Computational Dynamics Morsels[h/t the authors of the first principles] After going through a door: say "=>here you are virtual visitor of<="; continue the action. Before printing the banner text:[When play begins:][action out of world] open a HTML tag "sub"; open a HTML tag "sup". After printing the banner text:[action out of world] close the HTML tag; close the HTML tag; say "[the story genre][paragraph break]"; say "=>here you are virtual visitor of<=". Understand "that" as a thing when the item described is held by the person asked. Every scene has an object called hypertransport connection. The hypertransport connection of the Entire Game [scene] is the best route from button to artefact using even locked doors.[undirected G here, resilient routing TCP/IP] The initial appearance of a door is usually "Nearby [an item described] leads [if the other side of the item described is visited][direction of the item described from the location] to [the other side][otherwise][direction of the item described from the location][end if];". Include Vorple Hyperlinks by Juhana Leinonen.[https://vorple-if.com/#demo] Release along with the "Vorple" interpreter. Release along with cover art("Locals in the data jungle."). The release number is 0. Use authorial modesty. Section - Test Support - Not for Release Test me with "go button / inventory / go request / carry the artefact / go response / go button / inv / throw that artefact". [The End]